About Me

Welcome to my corner on the web. My name is Senthil Kumar Murugesan and I’m an Infrastructure engineer with a focus on Cisco Unified Communications and Collaboration. Also I’m happy to mention that I’m a Linux junkie, a Cisco proponent, a Tools fanatic and Script lover.

This is a blog, a rambling of thoughts, and a place for random musings. I decided to build this blog in order to record down and share some of my knowledge and experience acquired in the cloud, networking and in other fields.I believe that the resources offered here can be useful for a range of professionals working with Cisco products, Cloud & OS Engineers. Thoughts expressed here are independent of any of the companies, organizations, and imaginary creatures referenced.

I enjoyed setting up this blog, and I will do my best to keep it updated and informative for my visitors. If you have any questions or comments, please drop me a mail on Senthilkumar.Murugesan@Hotmail.com